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Thank you for what you sent !

Hello Mr Writer,
What a beautiful job! It is with sadness that I leave this brotherhood of Cadet and gentleman. How can I tell you everything I felt. What beautiful writing and what a film! This novel will one day have to be adapted for the cinema, Monsieur Gally, that's for sure. In fact, no, I would risk being disappointed, it's so beautiful in writing. Congratulations for this incredible family story written by the hand of a writer, that's for sure. Thank you for this trip in good and beautiful company. How proud we are to have met them and followed them on their noble path of life. Time will seem very long without them. I wish them the best while waiting to find them.


A noble adventure!

Your text catches the eye as the accuracy of the descriptions allow you to imagine...

It also catches the heart as the characters and their emotions come to snuggle there… It also catches the head with so much work and passion…

Great art.


There are small nuggets in this novel which is read with pleasure and makes us leave the news so desperate.

Thank you and good writing for the rest 😉😀


Descendant of this old Norman family, I am proud to have Pierre as an ancestor! What a noble boy.

"Cadet, remember" is an ode to fraternity, wisdom and courage. A book of convictions written with the heart without a doubt. Thank you Emeric


A psychic journey through your writing sensitivity.

Dear writer, You are one of those magicians of words! you manage to create images, scents, memories with words. The questionings of Pierre, Gabrielle, André, Agathe, Robin... Are as many testimonies of your intellectual celerity. Your statesofsoul are undoubtedly unveiled with modesty in the characters of the characters and having moods proves that we have one and that we are authentic. Do not doubt your talent! that a publisher immerses himself in your novel, that's what I wish you !


A first novel full of promise!

Initiatory novel. Pierre, the hero of this novel, is very endearing. Touching in these questions, thanks to meetings and travels, he will discover his own political conscience which will lead him to follow his destiny.

Can't wait to read more!


Hello, Thank you for this beautiful captivating story. Show us all the facets of the life of a young aristocrat, a cadet in the 18th century. Very detailed, your work transported me and Pierre's life choices are very touching, fair and appeal to the mother that I am. Your pen is very elegant, I sincerely wish to have the chance to continue to follow the adventures of Pierre, Agathe, Gabrielle, André, Enzo, Robin... Thank you and thank you!

PS: My 15 year old son is reading Cadet, remember! a near miracle. It would not be missing any more that he wants to make a career in the navy!


I discovered you recently and I understand the enthusiasm you aroused. Your articles on your Facebook page are always interesting and very accurate.
Recently I ordered your novel from my bookstore and yesterday I received it! a beautiful work that I started immediately. But what a story! what characters! what descriptions! I'm still in "book I" and I'm already traveling… reading the comments, how breathless the adventure seems!


Je ne lis pas beaucoup de romances historiques alors que j'aime beaucoup ça. Celui-ci était dans ma wishlist alors quand je l'ai vu en rayon, j'ai sauté sur l'occasion et je l'ai dévoré presque immédiatement. Tout commence lentement dans un manoir normand. On va suivre et s’attacher rapidement à Pierre le cadet de la famille. L’histoire se mets en place et les personnages entre en scène avec élégance, raffinement. Pierre grandi et nous avançons avec lui sur son chemin de vie, il quitte le domaine familial pour intégrer l’école militaire à Rochefort. Il va y trouver l’amitié, la vrai ! celle qui vous accompagne jusqu’au bout… Pierre est un garçon intelligent, curieux, un peu téméraire et très fier. Un personnage bien du 18e. Il est beau, dans son uniforme de la Marine et il fait tourner les têtes (la mienne en fait partie !) De bal en procès, de bagarre de taverne en combat à mort, d’évasion en poursuite, je me suis laissé emporter par l’aventure ! et par ce jeu délicieux de la séduction à la fois délicat et passionnel en ce temps des Lumières. J'ai été complètement happée par cette histoire tant et si bien que je l'ai dévorée en une semaine ! Il y a plein de rebondissements et j'ai sacrément balisé pour certains personnages par moment. Et puis la manière dont Pierre se rend compte de ses sentiments, sentiments qui ne sont pas que purement physiques est tellement chou. Sachant qu'en plus, à cette époque, faire étalage de ses sentiments est particulièrement compliqué… J'ai aimé ce mélange de passion et de bienséance, cette envie de respecter les codes mêlés à des passions qui se développent, le tout, associé à une intrigue prenante qui m'a tenue en haleine ! Franchement, c'était une épatante lecture !


High definition immersion
Nice discovery! Between the quasi-documentary swarming of an era that I did not know well (we learn a lot of things and we really immerse ourselves. The author indicates his documentary sources at the bottom of the page, which is very original and allows us to go deeper when we are curious).

A beautiful novel of learning and adventure with a gallery of characters that we would immediately imagine brought to the screen. The historical context, the geographies crossed and the situations encountered are strikingly precise. And it's an understatement to say that the adventure takes us out to sea. We are obviously waiting impatiently to know the sequel, hoping that there will be one…


A book of adventures that takes us away. What talent for a first novel. I am amazed at the accuracy of the characters. We get attached to it.. we live their emotions. Wow well done Emerick Gally! We are looking forward to the rest of the epic 🥰


"Cadet, remember" is an adventure novel based on historical facts. A fresco that begins with a family story and will quickly take us, first to Rochefort on the banks of the Charentes and then to the powder keg of the Caribbean.

The story takes place in the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment! and I can tell you that this novel is luminous! I let myself be carried away by the waves in the company of Pierre, this mischievous young Norman surrounded by his companions. The romantic flirts with the cape & of sword. the moral distilled throughout the book and with great accuracy. Emotion and suspense await you! I highly recommend and ardently wish for a sequel!! THANKS


Praise of a certain lost elegance.

Hello, I wanted to congratulate you on your work of great finesse. I quickly let myself be carried away by this trip; the development of Pierre! Your descriptions are cinematographic and your lively, extremely chiseled dialogues are colored either with humor or seriousness but always accurate. A lot of elegance emerges from your novel. Congratulations sir.


joy of words

Hello Mr Gally,

23 days of reading and fun with each dive in this big adventure novel! A range of intoxicating colors and scents. Abundant details that fuel the imagination and extraordinary questions about the meaning of commitment.

Thank you I can't wait to know the rest.


The boys !

It is with great pleasure that I immersed myself in this reading. Without being a history buff, I found the narration of historical events to be of great finesse. What got me was these boys! this band of aristo so endearing, I was eager to find them at each moment of reading. See them grow up, become men! fall in love, fight, question each other and run away to find freedom! Houa it was a dive into the adventure with a capital A! I can't wait to find them in a sequel! get to work mr writer ;-)


Vous m'avez attrapé par vos mots !

Je tenais à vous exprimer ma joie immense de vous voir épanoui dans cette nouvelle vie, où la transmission, qu'elle soit orale ou écrite, semble être votre véritable élan. L'excitation monte à son comble à l'approche de la parution tant attendue du premier tome. L'idée de retrouver tous ces personnages exceptionnels et de plonger encore plus profondément dans leurs récits me met dans un état d'effervescence indescriptible. Ce que j'apprécie particulièrement dans les "sagas" – j'espère que ce terme vous convient – c'est la possibilité de comprendre certains éléments a posteriori et de les recouper, presque comme si je surveillais l'auteur, et j'adore quand j'y parviens. J'attends avec une impatience grandissante toutes ces nouvelles petites histoires impliquant mes personnages chéris ! Ils sont devenus pour moi comme des amis. J'ai eu le privilège de plonger dans "Cadet, souviens-toi!" (le commencement, la création première), et cet ouvrage demeure vivace dans mon esprit, laissant une empreinte indélébile dans mon cœur. Votre manière d'écrire, vos phrases sublimes et riches restent gravées dans ma mémoire pour une durée indéfinie. Contrairement à de nombreux romans que j'oublie souvent après les avoir lus, le vôtre résonne encore en moi. C'est le résultat quand un écrivain parvient à imprégner son style et ses histoires de manière inoubliable. Je souhaite tout le meilleur à ce nouveau livre, car Pierre, Robin, Gabrielle, André, Enzo, Agathe et les autres méritent d'être connus par un public très vaste ! Ils sont de ces personnages qui incitent à la réflexion et laissent une marque indélébile. Merci, merci, merci !


Good morning,

It's been a few days since I finished the book but I realize that it's difficult to remain objective; I will try anyway. The society, the way of life and the people of Normandy (pays de Caux) are described there with an almost photographic truth. Certain more "sensitive" subjects are treated with modesty (desertion, slavery, homosexuality) while expressing without ambiguity but also without ostentation the ideas and the feelings of the author. Sometimes, but sometimes only a few redundancies; sometimes the fights are a bit "zorroesque" (this word doesn't exist, I just made it up) despite everything, it goes well and doesn't harm the interests of the story. I must admit that the daily meeting with Pierre quickly became almost indispensable to me and I often waited impatiently for the next one. Real thing. Here we find the ingredients of the family saga, the local novel, the historical novel and I would add even the action film

 The suspense is present even if we quickly guess that the hero has a few lucky stars that illuminate his life path. We are at Pierre's side at all times and we can't wait to read the rest because there will necessarily be one, that's obvious! I wish it with all my heart! Here it is in 3 words: I LOVE IT!

And as they say Boujou Adai


Oh how I enjoyed fighting alongside Pierre! the sword twirls like the words of the author. Master Corbeville would say that "Words have the power to heal but when they are fair and generous, they can change your perception of the world."

So yes I was swept away and overwhelmed by this Novel. Thank you for having made me travel in Pierre's head and for allowing me to think differently.


Oh what a fun time!

Read in 12 days, I devoured it. We navigate between several characters between action, love, friendship, espionage, battle. We travel on horseback, on foot, in a carriage. We run headlong into extraordinary cities. We sail from island to island and we wonder, like Pierre, about the meaning of life. Well born this Norman does not want to be a puppet and in suffering he will assume his choices! sacred gentleman.


By chance !

Hello, I wanted to congratulate you! I arrive in Santo Domingo with the Cadets, I still have some reading to do but I couldn't wait to thank you! I can't wait to dive back into your novel.

Seb, who remembers!

In his first novel, Emerick Gally takes us on the trail of his Norman ancestors in the Age of Enlightenment. We quickly get carried away to follow his young hero, from the gentry, who knows from his childhood that he will have to forge a destiny for himself since he will not inherit. Two solutions for these young “cadets”: a military career, or religious commitment. Opting for the first solution, we follow him with his comrades in a kingdom of France where we feel all the ingredients of the changes to come: new ideas; first steps of feminism; end of slavery; beginnings of the industrial revolution; imperative for the Kingdoms of Europe to position themselves to each other by creating their future “colonial Empires”; first steps of the United States of America freeing themselves from their tutelage of the Old Continent; religious and philosophical reflections on the place of man on this earth of which all the continents are now discovered; beginning of what we now call globalization, with the establishment of commercial channels covering the entire globe, and the fortunes that will be associated with them, prefiguring our current multinationals. In this historical fresco we can see all the major issues that will agitate the planet over the next two centuries, and we take pleasure in following this young officer of the King and his companions in fortune in adventures, they too, straddling several continents, heralding the globalization of travel in our century. We get attached, we tremble, we worry... and we wait for the rest...! Undoubtedly the beginning of a great saga!


jubilatoire et addictive à souhait !!

L'écriture de l'auteur est agréable, élaborée également. On tourne indéniablement les pages sans s'en rendre compte. Les combats sont épiques et on s'y croirait réellement… et puis diable ! On prend parti en plus. Les personnages sont travaillés, sympathiques ou non c'est selon… mais une chose est sure c'est qu' on est pas indifférent. Et puis l'auteur est le digne fils d'Alexandre Dumas, parce que je le trouve formidable dans le maniement des esprits pour fomenter des complots et des plans aventureux ! Je suis réellement conquise. Et puis cela faisait un moment que je n'avais pas croisé le chemin d'une saga romanesque aussi intéressante. Je suis sûre que je ne vais pas tarder à lire la suite… d'autant que de nombreux secrets restent encore à découvrir…


En lisant votre roman passionnant, j'ai eu l'impression d'avoir déniché un petit clin d'œil à Kylie Minogue. Si je ne me trompe pas, lorsque le baron de Moyria prend la parole lors de la remise des diplômes, son discours m'a directement rappelé le titre emblématique de Miss Minogue, "Your Disco Needs You". Pour en avoir le cœur net, j'ai réécouté la chanson, et bingo ! C'est bien ça ! C'est dingue comme ça s'accorde parfaitement, le grand baron débitant un discours ultra "disco" – c'est génial ! Bravo à vous, M. Gally. Cela prouve bien que l'époque des Lumières était carrément en avance sur son temps et que vous avez du talent.


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